Llanerchaeron History, the house designed and built by John Nash in 1794-96

Llanerchaeron History

Llanerchaeron history archaeology and antiquities. Is a National Trust property in Ceredigion, West Wales. Situated between Aberaeron and Ciliau Aeron.

Table of Contents

1. History
2. Map
3. Gallery
4. Links
  • Victorian oven in the service kitchen at Llanerchaeron
  • Store room with shelving at the service court Llanerchaeron
  • Sawmill pit at Llanerchaeron estate
  • Pantry off the service kitchen at Llanerchaeron
  • Old wooden double doors at Llanerchaeron farm estate
  • Derlict greenhouse in one of the two walled gardens at Llanerchaeron
  • Llanerchaeron House designed and built by John Nash in 1794-96
Llanerchaeron History
Pantry off the service kitchen at Llanerchaeron
The pantry still contains
many of the original items
from the period.

Derlict greenhouse in one of the two walled gardens at Llanerchaeron
One of the old greenhouses
within the beautiful walled
gardens of the estate.

Since 1909 the Ceredigion Historical Society has published articles written about the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion, many of these articles printed within the Ceredigion Journal, are about the history of Llanerchaeron.

The society has also produced three county volumes, under the name of the Cardiganshire County History series, these knowledgeable, learned, comprehensive and scholary publications record the history of prehistoric, early and modern Cardiganshire.

1. History

Extract from ‘A Topographical Dictionary of Wales‘ by Samuel Lewis 1833

LLANYCHAËRON  (LLAN – UWCH- AËRON), a parish in the upper division of the hundred of MOYTHEN, County of CARDIGAN, SOUTH WALES, 11 miles (N. W.) from Lampeter, containing 233 inhabitants. The name of this place, signifying ” the church above the Aëron,” is derived from its situation upon that river, which falls into Cardigan bay, a few miles west-north-westward, at Aberaëron. Its surface is richly wooded, forming an agreeable contrast to the rugged and barren hills of the surrounding district; and the scenery is finely diversified, combining a pleasing variety of fertility and luxuriance. Llanychaëron House, formerly the residence of the family of Parry, and now the seat of Colonel Lewis, is an elegant modern mansion, delightfully situated in the vale of Aëron commanding a fine view of that river, and embosomed in well-wooded grounds, skirted by a small park. The entire lands are in a high state of cultivation ; the meadows afford rich pasturage ; the cottages are neatly and substantially built ; and the whole parish, enlivened by the windings of the river Aëron has a pleasing and prepossessing appearance, scarcely known in other parts of the county. The living is a perpetual curacy, with that of Dihewyd consolidated, in the archdeaconry of Cardigan, and diocese of St. David’s, endowed with £600 royal bounty, and £1200 parliamentary grant, and in the alternate patronage of the Earl of Lisburne and Colonel Lewis: the impropriate rectory formerly constituted a prebend in the collegiate church of Llandewy-Brevi, rated in the king’s books at £3.1.0 1/2. The church, dedicated to St. Non, one of the most distinguished female saints of Wales, and mother of St. David, is a very neat edifice, consisting of a nave and chancel, with a tower : it is beautifully situated in a very picturesque spot, and was erected at the joint expense of the inhabitants, and of Colonel Lewis, who built a very neat house for the minister, at his own expense, in a pleasant situation within a short distance of Llanychaëron House. The average annual expenditure for the support of the poor is £120. 3.

Ceredigion Index

Llanaeron, iv:14; v:19; x:3
Lewes, John, Llanaeron, iv:24
Lewes, William, Llanerchaeron,vi:288,290
Lewis, John, Llanaeron, iv:25
Lewis, Mrs. M. A., Lanaeron estate in 1873, iv:12

Ceredigion Journal of the Ceredigion Antiquarian Society Vol XIII, No 3 1999
William Ritson Coultart and the Llanerchaeron Billiard Room – CAROLINE PALMER AND ROS LAIDLAW – 43

Llanerchaeron House designed and built by John Nash in 1794-96
Llanerchaeron House designed and built by John Nash in 1794-96

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2. Map

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  • What are my personal memories of living here?
  • How has it developed and shops changed over the years?
  • Do you have a story about the beach, community, its people and history?
  • Tell us how it feels, seeing photographs and images of this place again?
  • Tell us your favourite memories about this place?

The aim of the Ceredigion Historical Society is to preserve, record and promote the study of the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion. That objective has remained the same since the foundation of the Society in 1909, though its name was changed from Ceredigion Antiquarian Society to the Ceredigion Historical Society in 2002.

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  • Coflein, discover the archaeology, historic buildings, monuments and history of Llanerchaeron, Ceredigion
  • Historic Place Names, learn about the field names and house names in the community of Llanerchaeron
  • A Pint of History, read about the history of Ceredigion pub’s, inn’s and local taverns of Llanerchaeron
  • People’s Collection Wales, share your stories, memories and photographs of Llanerchaeron
  • GenUKI, lots of useful information relating to Llanerchaeron churches, cemeteries, schools, emigration, immigration and genealogy
Index | Towns in Ceredigion | Villages in Ceredigion | Historic Sites in Ceredigion | Ceredigion Listed Buildings | Ceredigion Scheduled Monuments | Ceredigion Parks and Gardens | Ceredigion Conservation Areas | Research Organisations
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