Conservation Areas in Ceredigion

Ceredigion has a total of 13 conservation areas within the county. Which encompass many forms from historic landscapes, parks and gardens, distinctive field patterns and thoroughfares through to historic settlements, traditional buildings, ancient monuments and buried archaeological sites. It provides a constant reminder of past human enterprise, providing a source of enjoyment and learning, combining the natural environment and habitats to give us a unique sense of place.

Conservation Areas are designated to preserve and enhance the special character of areas of architectural or historic interest. The council have a duty to consider the designation of such areas under ‘Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990’. These conservation areas are selected according to the quality of the area as a whole, including the contribution of key individual or groups of buildings, trees, open space and streetscape.

Ceredigion Conservation Areas are important records of our historic towns and villages, providing daily reminders of our joint heritage, for future generations to enjoy.

Ceredigion Conservation Areas

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