List of Historic Welsh Place Names

List of Historic Welsh Place Names

The list of historic Welsh place names has added nearly 516,000 additional ancient Welsh names to its website. These old Welsh names come form the Cynefin Project from the National Library of Wales. This takes the total of Welsh Place Names in Wales to over 660,000 records.

List of Historic Place Names
List of Historic Place Names

Historic Placenames of Wales

The website was launched in May 2017, aimed to preserve and highlight the importance of the historic place names of Wales. The information provides a fascinating insight into old Welsh names, land-use, archaeology and history of Wales, the names also reflect forms of spellings from the Middle Ages to the present day.

Old Welsh Names

The List of Welsh place names, compiled by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales on behalf of Welsh Ministers following the inclusion of a provision for statutory list of historic place names in the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016.

Researching Historic Places Names

The list contains data about historic house and tithe map field names within Ceredigion. The information will prove invaluable to those researching historic places names in the county and Wales as a whole.

Category Research:
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales | Coflein | National Library of Wales | Ceredigion Museum | Ceredigion Archives | Dyfed Archaeological Trust | List of Historic Welsh Place Names | Cardiganshire Family History Society

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