N – Index to Ceredigion I-X

An index to volumes 1-10 of the Journal of the Ceredigion Antiquarian Society

Edited by William H Howells

N.B. The digital version of this index was producing by scanning, and it is likely that some minor text recognition errors are present. If in doubt, please refer to a printed copy of the Index.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Introduction | How to use the Index | Abbreviations | Authors | Appendices | Illustrations | Reviews | Obituaries | Towns in Ceredigion | Villages in Ceredigion

Entries starting with ‘N’

  • Naiad, vessel, ii:102
  • Nancwnlle
    • anghydffurfiaeth, iv:100 ,107
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • emigration, ii:167,229; x:50
    • enclosures, viii:107
    • Howell Harris a (and), v:7
    • nonconformity
      • see Nancwnlle : anghydffurfiaeth
    • school board, iii:210, 211, 214
  • Nancy, fishing boat, v:273
  • Nancy, sloop, ix:122
  • Nani Danyrallt, Llandysul, publican, ii:110
  • Nanmor, Dafydd, vii:17,26,27,33,34
  • Nannerchwedaf, rhandir, vi:286
  • Nant Adal
    • road bridge over, viii:343
  • Nant Arberth ·
    • road bridge over, viii:345
  • Nant Barre
    • road bridge over, viii:342
  • Nant Bowen
    • road bridge over, viii:346
  • Nant Bryn-maen
    • road bridge over, viii:338
  • Nant bryn tirion, v-.248
  • Nant Cadifor, iii:110
  • Nant Carfan
    • road bridge over, viii:342
  • Nant Clarach
    • road bridge over (1743), viii:333
    • road bridge over(1879), viii:338
  • Nant Cledlyn
    • road bridge over, viii:334,348
  • Nant Clywedog-ganol
    • road bridge over, viii:346
  • Nant Clywedog-uchaf
    • road bridge over, viii:346
  • Nant coch
    • ruins, iv:405
  • Nant Creuddyn (Nantroith)
    • bridge, iv:138
  • Nant Fuches-wen
    • road bridge over, viii:345
  • Nant glas
    • ruins, iv:405; v:250
  • Nant Gwyddil, Carmarthenshire, iii:110
  • Nant Hawen
    • road bridge over, viii:336, 339, 345
  • Nant Iago
    • road bridges over, viii:345, 351
  • Nant Iago mine, vii:86-7
  • Nant Pant-yr-haidd
    • road bridge over, viii:347
  • Nant Peiran ·
    • road bridge over, viii:346
  • Nant Rhys mine, viii:428
  • Nant y Clai, v:250
  • Nant y Creiau mine, vii:86
  • Nant y Gerwyn
    • road bridge over, viii:346
  • Nant y Gôf, vi:251
  • Nant y Llyn, v:249, 250
  • Nant y March, v:254
    • road bridge over, viii:349
  • Nant-y-moch
    • sheep-walk farm,x:387
  • Nant-y-moch dam,v:254; ix:328
  • Nant y pelau, Llanllwchaeam
    • corn mill, vi:97
  • Nant-y-pele
    • factory, x:316
    • mill, x:314
  • Nant y perveth, v:255
  • Nant y to, v-.250
  • Nant yr Arian, castle, iii:69
  • Nant yr Arian, maenor, v:252
  • Nantafallen
    • iforiaid, iii:31
    • ivorites
      • see Nantafallen : iforiaid
  • Nantbey grange, Strata Florida, i:36
  • Nantcrafanglach
    • road bridge by, viii:346
  • Nantcwnlle
    • see Nancwnlle
  • Nanteos, v:319, 338
    • cup, i:31; ii:173
    • estate, ix:58-73
    • town house, iv:19, 196
  • Nanternis
    • mill, x:315
  • Nantgaran, ysgol (school), vi:52, 57, 74
  • Nantperchellan castle, St. Dogmael’s, iii:68
  • Nantremenyn farm, Pont-sian, iv:152
  • Nantsidill, v:2
  • Nantwatcyn, viii:345
  • Nantycria mine
    • see Nant y Creiau mine
  • Nantyffin, ix:334
  • Nantymawr
    • school
      • circulating school, ix:352
  • Nantypele, v:10
  • Nantypopty
    • gentry of, subscribe to Pont Afon Rhyd, iii:181
  • Nantyrarian, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Nantystalwyn, viii:346
  • Naphthali, vessel, vii:279
  • Nares, John, esq., viii:90
  • Nares, Mrs. Martha, viii:90
  • Nash, Charles, Farmer’s Row (1) New Quay, x:323
  • Nash, Hester, Farmer’s Row (1) New Quay, x:323
  • Nash, Isobella, Farmer’s Row (1) New Quay, scholar, x:323
  • Nash, John
    • and Aberaeron, vi:295; viii:404
    • and Aberystwyth bridge, iv-.20
    • and Cardigan gaol, ix:341
    • and Castle House, vi:417, 418-19
    • and Ffynnone, vii:309
    • and Golden Grove, iv-.265
    • and Hafod, vii:153, 157-60, 161, 162, 164-5, 215
    • and Plas Llangoedmor, ix:359
  • Nash, Mary Anne, Farmer’s Row(1) New Quay, teacher, x:323
  • Nash, Phillippe, Farmer’s Row (1) New Quay, x:323
  • Nash, William, New Quay, coastguard, x:323
  • Nathaniel, vessel, viii:305
  • National Agricultural Labourers and Rural Workers’ Union established at Llanilar, 1917, ix:152
  • National Amalgamated Labourers’ Union, ix:153
  • National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assistants, ix:151
  • National Council of Social Service
    • standing conference of local history, i:73-6
  • National Library of Wales
    • at Assembly Rooms, Laura Place, vii:236
  • National Provincial Bank, Aberystwyth, ii:118.19
  • National Union of Bookbinders and Machine Rulers, ix:151
  • National Union of Railwaymen, ix:150
  • National Union of Teachers, ix:150-1
  • Natterer’s Bat, iv-.239
  • natural history
    • bibliography, iv:30’J
  • nature reserves, iv-.242
  • Nautilus, vessel, vi:214
  • Neave, Sir Richard Digby, viii:246
  • Nebo, iii:129,131,153
    • graveyard, head stone of T. A. Lloyd at, viii:345
  • needlework, vi:97
  • Neild, James, vi:14, 15
  • neithior, iv:75; ix:306, 313
  • Nell, sloop, vii:281, 282
  • Nell ye Widow, Llandysul, pensioner, i:131
  • Nelson, Morgan, Tal-y-bont, gof (blacksmith), iii:32
  • Nelson, Robert, viii:467
  • Nest dau. of Rhysap Tewdwr, i:39-40; vii:57
  • Netpool, Cardigan, vii:62
  • Neuadd, iii:106
  • Neuadd, estate, v:19
  • Neuadd, farm, New Quay, vii:273
  • Neuadd-ddu, iii:201-02, 204
  • Neuadd Fawr, barrow, ix:289
  • Neuadd Lowdden (Nanteos), iii:298
    • see also Nanteos
  • Neuadd-lwyd
    • addysg, vi:50,52,53,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,64, 70,71-2,76,77)37,88
    • anghydffurfiaeth, iv:122; v:278,368,370; vii:11; ix:367
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • education
      • see Neuadd-lwyd : addysg
    • emigration
      • see Neuadd-lwyd : ymfudo
    • nonconformity
      • see Neuadd-lwyd : anghydffurfiaeth
    • ymfudo, ii:167
  • Neuadd-lwyd, lead mine, viii:210
    • see also Bryndyfi : lead mine
  • Neuadd Penrhiw-llan, viii:349
  • Neuadd Tysul, viii:349
  • New Banks, Melindwr, ix:334
  • New Castell Mines Co., Dyffryncastell, viii:341
  • New Cross
    • blacksmith, vi:100
  • New Grand Hall, vii:236
  • New Hope, sloop, ix:122
  • New Hope, smack, ix:347
  • New House, Melindwr, ix:334
  • New Inn, Llangrannog, ii:44
    • fair, iii:232
    • turnpike gate, ii:106
  • New Key
    • see New Quay
  • New level by the Great Rocks, lead mines, v:268
  • New Mill, Rhyd y Felin
    • corn mill, vi:97
  • New Row, Cwmbrwyno, Melindwr, ix:334
  • New Quay
    • bakers, x:308
    • baptists, iv:124
    • Bethel Chapel, x:311-12,321,322
    • blacksmiths, vi:100; x:313-14
    • blockmakers, x:311
    • brass band, vii:291
    • carpenters, x:312-13
    • census, 1851, x:301-27
    • church, vii:273; x:322
    • dressmakers, x:307-0S
    • education, x:302-03,324
    • emigration
      • see New Quay : ymfudo
    • fishermen, x:312
    • fishing, vii:273
    • foundry, vii:291
    • harbour, iv:328
    • Harbour Act, iv:119; vii:274
    • Harbour Company, vii:274
    • harbour dues, vii:293
    • herring fishing, vi:121,202
    • High Terrace, x:326
    • iforiaid, iii:28
    • independents, iv:121
    • ivorites
      • see iforiaid
    • labourers, x:317-19
    • map, ii:268
    • mariners, x:304-07
    • Mason Square, x:315
    • Mason’s Row, x:315
    • masons, x:315
    • merchants, x:320
    • nailers,x:311-12
    • patent slip, vii:297
    • Pengeulan, x:326
    • Pentre Siswrn, x:315
    • Picton Terrace, x:326
    • pier, vii:273-4, 288, 291; x:371
    • public houses, x:325
    • ropemaker, x:316
    • ropewalks, vii:291
    • sailmaking, vii:291
    • schools, vi:64, 85, 87
      • British school, x:324
      • curriculum, ii:155
      • grammar school, vii:296; viii:59
      • intermediate school (proposed), viii:53
      • Misses Barrett, x:322-3
      • Private School (Brongwyn Street), x:324
      • tutorial school, vii:296
    • shipbuilding, vii:273-306; viii:305, 306; x:310-11, 408
    • shoemakers, x:317
    • smithies, vii:290-1
    • smugglers, v:61
      • salt, vii:59
    • Tabernacle, x:321
    • tailors, x:315
    • tramway, vii:275
    • weavers, x:316
    • widows, x:306-10
    • woollen mill, vi:111
    • ymfudo, ii:167
  • New Quay Hotel, vii:290, 291
  • New Quay Mutual Protection Club, iv:169
  • New Quay Mutual Ship Insurance Society, vii:293
  • New Quay Urban District Council, iv:280
  • New Storehouse, public house, v:267
  • New Street, Aberystwyth, iii:299-300; iv.20
  • New York (sic), Melindwr, ix:334, 335
  • Newall, Mrs., Seminary for young Ladies, x:369
  • Newbould, Rev. W. W., i:84
  • Newcastle Emlyn
    • castle, iv:265; v:146
    • Commission of Enquiry for South Wales, 1843, vii:265
    • eisteddfod, 1859, v:363
    • emigration
      • see Newcastle Emlyn : ymfudo
    • fair
      • see Newcastle Emlyn : ffair
    • ffair, iii:183; iv:219; v:364, 384
    • iforiaid, iii:28
    • ivorites
      • see Newcastle Emlyn : iforiaid
    • market house, iv:266
    • school (in 1847), ii:139
      • intermediate school (proposed), viii:53
    • union, viii:246,249
    • woollen mill, vi:110
    • ymfudo, ii:167
  • Newcastle Emlyn, parish, viii:370
  • Newcastle Emlyn Savings Bank, x:49
  • Newell, Emily née Eve, Aberystwyth, school mistress, ii:14
  • Newgate British School, x:431, 433
  • Newgate schoolhouse, x:436, 443
  • Newman, Ed., i:87
  • Newport, Thomas, gentleman, viii:79
  • Newton, Lily, U.C.W., professor of Botany, i:90, 93
  • Nichol ap Jankyn, iv:141
  • Nichol, George, x:345
  • Nicholas de Audley, iii:328
  • Nicholas, Mr., Llangranog
    • attempts to find lead ore, iii:240
  • Nicholas, Anne (1), Blaenllan, x:325
  • Nicholas, Anne (2), Blaenllan, x:325
  • Nicholas, Eliza, Blaenllan, x:325
  • Nicholas, Jane, New Quay, police officer’s wife, x:325
  • Nicholas, Leonard, Traeth-gwyn, x:325
  • Nicholas, Margaret, Blaenllan, x:325
  • Nicholas, T. E., ix:152, 153; x:296
  • Nicholas, Thomas, Blaenllan, x:325
  • Nicholas, Thomas, Blaenllan, sailor, x:325
  • Nicholas, Rev. W. R, Horeb
    • and centenary of Pont Afon Rhyd, iii:181
  • Nicholas, Parch. W. Rhys, viii:47
  • Nichollas, Jessie, Melindwr, ix:326
  • Nicholls, John, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Nicholls, Phillip, Druid Inn, ix:327,332
  • Nichols, John, Cornish mine worker, ix:323
  • Nichols, Philip, Cornish mine worker, ix:323
  • Nicklin, Miss M. A., Aberystwyth, schoolmistress, ii:114
  • Nightingale, fishing boat, v:273
  • Nightingale, Anne, Aberystwyth, ix:147
  • Nightingale, Edward, Aberystwyth, keeper of the Shire gaol, vi:15; ix:147
  • Nightingale, Evan, Aberystwyth, tailor, ix:147
  • Nimrod, Margaret, Llandysul, i:130
  • noddwyr y beirdd, vii:14-39
  • Nolan, Michael, ii:45
  • Nonconformist conference, ix:203, 20’J..10, 215, 216, 219, 221
  • nonconformity
    • and politics, v:318
    • early
      • see anghydffurfiaeth gynnar
    • lack of evidence in Sessions Records, v:277
  • Norman period, i:18-25, 38-42; iii:107-10
  • Norridge , John, Llandysul, rector, v:431
  • Norseman, steamer, vi:212, 213, 214
  • North Cardiganshire Horticultural Society’s Floral fete and show, vii:239
  • North Cardiganshire Trade Council, ix:151-2, 153, 155
  • North Cardiganshire Trade Union and Labour Council, ix:150
  • North Parade, Aberystwyth, iv:19
  • North, William, vi:83
  • Northampton, Lord, v:426
  • Northey, Caroline, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Northey, Wm, Melind wr, ix:327
  • Northgate House, Aberystwyth, ii:80
  • Northgate Street, Aberystwyth, ii:70-1, 77, 80
  • Noyadd farm, New Quay, x:319
  • Noyadd Trefawr
    • corn grinding, x:122
  • Noyadd Trefawr Estate, x:118
  • Noyadd-las
    • arrowheads found near, i:100
  • Nugent, Elizabeth née Makeig, v:59, 71, 72; vii:67, 78
  • Nugent, Nell, Penlan, vii:191
  • Nugent, Sylvanus, v:72; vii:78, 191
  • Nugent, Thomas George, Cardigan, surgeon, v:225; vii:78, 191, 200
  • numeration, old system of, i:103; iii:104
  • Nymph, brigantine, vii:277, 287; viii:305
  • Nymph, schooner, vii:289