Llandre Church – Discover the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion

Llandre History

Llandre history archaeology and antiquities. Is a small village in Ceredigion, West Wales. Situated between Rhydypennau and Dol-y-bont.

Table of Contents

1. History
2. Map
3. Gallery
4. Links
  • Llandre History – Discover the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion
  • Llandre Church – Discover the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion

Llandre History Pictures
Site plan of Caer Pwll Glas, Llandre
Site plan of Caer Pwll Glas, Llandre

Since 1909 the Ceredigion Historical Society has published articles written about the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion, many of these articles printed within the Ceredigion Journal, are about the history of Llandre.

The society has also produced three county volumes, under the name of the Cardiganshire County History series, these knowledgeable, learned, comprehensive and scholary publications record the history of prehistoric, early and modern Cardiganshire.

1. History

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2. Map

View Larger Map of Llandre

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  • Coflein, discover the archaeology, historic buildings, monuments and history of Llandre, Ceredigion
  • Historic Place Names, learn about the field names and house names in the community of Llandre
  • A Pint of History, read about the history of Ceredigion pub’s, inn’s and local taverns of Llandre
  • People’s Collection Wales, share your stories, memories and photographs of Llandre

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Some ideas to share your Stories below!

Have a memory and your not sure what to write? We have made it easy with some prompts and ideas, just think about this place and the importance its had in your life and ask yourself:

  • What are my personal memories of living here?
  • How has it developed and shops changed over the years?
  • Do you have a story about the beach, community, its people and history?
  • Tell us how it feels, seeing photographs and images of this place again?
  • Tell us your favourite memories about this place?

The aim of the Ceredigion Historical Society is to preserve, record and promote the study of the archaeology, antiquities and history of Ceredigion. That objective has remained the same since the foundation of the Society in 1909, though its name was changed from Ceredigion Antiquarian Society to the Ceredigion Historical Society in 2002.

Index | Towns in Ceredigion | Villages in Ceredigion | Historic Sites in Ceredigion | Ceredigion Listed Buildings | Ceredigion Scheduled Monuments | Ceredigion Parks and Gardens | Ceredigion Conservation Areas | Research Organisations
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Richard Hartley
Richard Hartley
2 years ago

I was born in 1943 and lived the first 3 years of my life in Llandre in a house at the top of the hill from the station on a left hand bend,with a wooded bank above. I still have recollectios of playing near the station and being lifted onto the footplate of a steam train by the stationmaster and driver.

C. Green
C. Green
2 years ago

There are several legends in West and Mid-Wales, especially in Carmarthenshire and Cardiganshire, in which spirits or some other mysterious powers, play a prominent part in the removal of Churches from one site to another.

The parish church of Llanfihangel Geneu’r Glyn, is situated about five miles north of Aberystwyth, and it is seen from the train. About a mile from the church and the village, there is a respectable farm house, named Glanfread, or Glanfread-fawr which belongs to the Gogerddan Estate. It is evident that Glanfread was a place of importance once, and long ago gentry lived there, and it was the birthplace of Edward Llwyd, the author of Archæoligia Britanica. It is also believed that the house received its name from St. Fraed, a devout woman who, according to local tradition, came over from Ireland to build a church on the spot.

There is a legend still extant in the neighbourhood that when the work of erecting the church on the spot was actually commenced, the portion built during the day was pulled down during each night. At last a voice from the spirit world was heard to speak as follows:—

“Glanfread-fawr sy fod fan hyn,

Llanfihangel yn ngenau’r Glyn.

“Glanfread-fawr is to be herein,

Llanfihangel at Genau’r Glyn.”

What the spirit meant by these words was that the church was to be built at Genau’r Glyn, and that Glanfread-fawr farm or mansion was to occupy the spot they were then trying to build the church; and in accordance with the Spirit’s direction the church was after this built where it now stands instead of at Glanfread.

The above tradition was related to me by Lady Hills-Johnes, of Dolaucothy, an intelligent lady who has been a friend to me for [178]nearly twenty years. The late Bishop Thirwall wanted Lady Hills-Johnes to write a book on the Legends of Wales.

Llanfihangel, of course, is the Welsh for St. Michael, or rather Michael’s Church; but as the early Welsh Christians generally dedicated their churches to Welsh Saints, it seems probable that the ancient name of this church was Llanfread; and the name of the farm Glanfread, where it was first intended to build the church seems to suggest this. Perhaps the church was re-dedicated to St. Michael by the Normans, for we know that William the Conqueror seized some lands in the neighbourhood, and that particular part of the parish is known to this day as “Cyfoeth y Brenin,” (the King’s wealth).

St. Michael was a favourite patron of churches with the Normans, as it was believed that an apparition of the Archangel had been seen by Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, directing him to build a church on Mount St. Michael in Normandy.”

From ‘Folk-Lore of West and Mid-Wales’ by J. Ceredig Davies (1911).

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