Ceredigion – Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, 1959 Vol III No 4

Ceredigion – Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, 1959 Vol III No 4

Pages from Ceredigion – Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, 1959 Vol III No 4, can be viewed below.

You can also view previous editions of the Society’s Journal going back to 1950, with fascinating facts about the archaeology, antiquities and history of the County of Ceredigion.

Contents of Volume III, Number 4

  • The President’s Jubilee Message – Frontispiece – 253
  • The Chairman’s Address at Gorgerddan – By J. E. R. Carson – 253
  • From Antiquarianism to Archaeology in Cardiganshire, 1909-1959 – By E. G. Bowen – 257
  • Medieval Cardiganshire – A Study in Social Orgins – By T. Jones Pierce – 265
  • Some Aspects of the History of Aberystwyth-I – By W. J. Lewis – 284
  • Cardiganshire Politics in the Mid-eighteenth Century – By David Wiliams – 303
  • Trade and Industry in some Cardiganshire Towns in the Middle Ages – By I. J. Sanders – 319
  • Did Handel Visit Cardiganshire? – By Moelwyn I. Williams – 337
  • Some of the Pioneers – By J. R. Davies – 345
  • Proceedings of the Society during 1959 – The Hon. Secretary – 346
  • List of Members – 350
  • Statement of Accounts for the year 1959 – 356


  • The President Jubilee Message – 252
  • The Jubilee meeting at Gogerddan, 4 July, 1959 – 254
  • The Commotes of Ceredigion – 269
  • Lewis Morris’s map of Aberystwyth, circa 1748 – 288
  • Aberystwyth circa 1750 – 290
  • Aberystwyth circa 1797 – 297
  • Some of the Pioneers – 344

The Journals were published from 1950 up to present day. The complete contents have been digitised by NLW as part of the JISC-funded ‘Welsh Periodicals Online’ project which were available from 2009. In the meantime we present the table of contents of each volume below. The format and level of detail in the ‘Contents’ varied from volume to volume. We present the lists as originally printed.

Ceredigion – Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, 1959 Vol III No 4
Ceredigion – Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, 1959 Vol III No 4
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