Forty Welsh Traditional Tunes Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society 6

Transactions of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, Vol 6

The Transactions were published in approximately 14 volumes between 1909 and 1939. The complete contents are being digitised by NLW as part of the JISC-funded ‘Welsh Periodicals Online’ project and should be available during 2009. In the meantime we present the table of contents of each volume below. The format and level of detail in the ‘Contents’ varied from volume to volume. We present the lists as originally printed, with administrative entries (annual accounts etc.) removed.

Forty Welsh Traditional Tunes Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society 6
Forty Welsh Traditional Tunes Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society 6

Contents of Vol 6

(From the Preface)

THE Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society has hitherto published year by year a volume of papers relating to material archaeology, customs and records in the County. This year it is varying its practice and distributing to its members a collection of the County’s Folk Songs.

It will be remembered that some years ago an effort was made in the county to preserve records of vanishing data of rural life. This effort was taken up with his customary skill and enthusiasm by our Honorary Secretary, Mr. David Thomas. In his hands the idea proved a most fruitful one, and members of the Society know of his records of ancient methods of counting, and look forward to the publication of a great deal more of his material when he has been able to sift it.

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