The President Sir Edward J. Webley-Parry-Pryse, Bart, Gogerddan

Foundation of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society

AS a result of the successful county gatherings at Strata Florida Abbey, the promoters, on Monday, July 26th, 1909, held a meeting at Aberystwyth, to consider whether the time had arrived for the founding of a Society to deal with archaeolo- gical matters in the county. The Rev. Professor E. Tyrrell Green of St. David’s College. Lampeter, presided over the meeting, which decided to ratify the resolution passed at an informal gathering held at the close of the Strata Florida meeting, when on the motion of Mr. George Eyre Evans, seconded by the Rev. J. F. Lloyd (Llanilar), it was agreed to form the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society on the basis of an annual subscription of five shillings a member; the objects and rules of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club largely guiding the promoters.

The President Sir Edward J. Webley-Parry-Pryse, Bart, Gogerddan
The President Sir Edward J. Webley-Parry-Pryse, Bart, Gogerddan

Sir Edward Webley Parry Pryse, Bart., who had taken keen interest in the movement from the first, consented to act as President of the Society, making a donation of five pounds to the funds, and an Executive Committee was formed, the following gentlemen consenting to act: — Professor Tyrrell Green (chairman); Mr. Edward Evans, J.P. (treasurer); the Rev. J. F. Lloyd (secretary); the Rev. E. J. Davies (Goginan); the Rev. Charles Evans (Yspytty Cynfyn); the Rev. T. O. Evans (Devil’s Bridge): and the Rev. George Eyre Evans.

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