Penarth Hundred Cardiganshire

Penarth hundred is one of severn major divisions of the county of Cardigan (Cardiganshire), the hundred (is subdivided into 5 parishes and 15 townships).

Penarth hundred and parishes:

Penarth – Tregaron
< Caron, or Tref-Garon
otherwise Is-clawdd parish
Argoed and YstradTre-Cefel
Blaen-CaronStrata Florida < Caron-Uwch-Clawdd
Croes and Berwyn
Penarth – Llanbadarn-Odyn parish
Penarth – Llanddewi Brefi
< Llan-ddewr-brefi parish
Blaenpennal < Blaen-PenalGogoyan
Garth and YstradLlanio
GarthelyPrysk and Carvan
Penarth – Llangeitho < Llan-geitho parish
Penarth – Nantewnlle parish

Welsh place names may exist in several variations. The names used here are typically that found in Cofresti Plwyf Cymru: Parish Registers of Wales (above left) and Abstract of the Answers and Returns Made Pursuant to an Act passed in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George IV, 1831 (above right).

See medieval boundaries:
Cardiganshire | Cantrefs  | Commotes | Gwestfâu | Sharelands

See 1800 Census Act and later hundreds, parishes and townships:
County of Cardigan | Hundred | Parish | Township